Stop Your Negative Thinking

By: Robert Notter

I remember the story of The Little Engine That Could, from my childhood. In the book, the engine repeats over and over “I think I can”. As entrepreneurs in health and wellness, it’s helpful for us to remember this simple message - if we think we can, we can. By training yourself to focus on more positive thoughts, you will achieve your goals, both professionally and personally.

What you choose to think has a significant impact on your life. And I say “choose” because ultimately it is your decision. Having worked with and taught to thousands of people as a business coach, I have seen time and again that those who believe they can, by cultivating more positive thinking, are much more successful than those who focus on fears and worry.

Sometimes, it’s hard to know where to start, most of us have so many thoughts it’s like a rock concert in our heads. From the moment we’re born, our brain begins its programming – parents tell us what to do and think; society dictates how we should act; unpleasant experiences teach us to be fearful; religion tells us what to believe. No wonder we often feel stuck.

If you are only focusing on problems or frustration guess what – you’ll keep creating more problems. Can you just think happier thoughts and your dream clients will magically show up at the door, not necessarily – you also have to take action and get support. However, by choosing thoughts that are more positive, you’ll energize yourself to make it happen.

Here is a process to break out of negative thought patterns and start feeling better:

1. Write down your negative thought: you have to get it out of your head, so put it on paper, and see it as being separate from you.

2. Ask yourself if you know for certain it's true: chances are, if you think about it, your mind is probably playing games with you. You don't know what will happen, and what't the worst that COULD happen. You have nothing to lose.

3. Think about what it's costing you to have this thought: basically, the thoughts that get in the way of you putting yourself out there to find clients, are ultimately costing your life, happiness, and financial success. It's just not worth it to stay stuck.

4. Choose a more positive thought: consider what an alternative thought is you can think, and one that is slightly less negative yet still believable. As you change your thoughts you change your life.

5. Think about the benefits of this new thought: think about how great your life and business will be when you continue to cultivate more positive thoughts. You'll be motivated to get out there, earn more money, and make it happen!