Announcing an amazing opportunity to learn...

"The Success Strategies That Quickly Allow You to Find Many More Clients, Grow Your Practice and Create Freedom in Your Time and Income... All With Authenticity and Integrity"

Join Robert Notter, Marketing & Mindset Coach, as he shares his
practical success methods for shifting your business to the next
"BIG" level of prosperity and impact

50% Off This Complete Course Between August 24th And 29th.
Read below for more info in the registration box!

You can register here now.

Dear Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Helping Professionals,

Are you...

Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
  • someone who knows people need your service and programs but struggle with finding more contacts and paying clients?

  • tired of trying to figure out how to create marketing that has people actually reaching out to learn more and work with you?

  • afraid that if you market yourself too much, people might think you are pushy or inauthentic?

  • committed to growing your business but are tired of feeling drained?

  • are ready to have a model of how to market with integrity instead of flashing big promises and cheesy marketing in people's faces?

  • beginning to realize that the future of your business is very limited unless you can quickly and easily attract more ideal clients into your business?

Not to're in the right place! I know how frustrating it is to want to help people, only to have them ignore your emails and phone calls, or act unresponsive when you try to share how you can help them. It's scary to even think about having an initial client consultation, only to end up having them say no or "I can't afford it." Not a good feeling.

Here's the problem: I bet that every time you hear that you should market yourself more, you get that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. You are probably tired of people assuming all you care about is money (not that money is unimportant, but your first goal is sharing your gifts).

The thing is, as a health and wellness professional you are meant to help people. At the same time, you feel awkward marketing yourself, and don't know what to say and do, that will allow you to be true to who you are. You need a new and more genuine approach to solve the challenge of how to attract many more contacts and paying clients.

Robert with some of his inspiring clients

I understand because you may not know this about me: but when I first started my business I was afraid if I could really make it happen. I didn't want to be some cheesy sales person, yet I knew I had to put myself out there, so I could make a difference in the world. What if no one signed up? What if people didn't open my emails?

Happily, none of those fears came true, and after a lot of determination I finally made a commitment to figure out how to actually find clients, and attract them in a way that was authentic AND brought real results. This enabled me to build a multiple 6-figure practice that lets me help so many people, to genuinely solve their business challenges. What I discovered was AMAZING... the more I reached out to them, from my heart, the more my business and income grew.

Which is why I want to reveal my Selling from the Heart biz building secrets with you. It's my mission for all of us, as heart-based entrepreneurs, be as successful as possible and change the health and happiness of our planet.

Did you know that by making just a few tweaks in your marketing and emails, you can increase the number of people who jump to sign up for what you'll be offering? You don't even have to have a big list (I'll teach you how in this audio course).

Every health and wellness entrepreneur deserves to succeed, and be free of the worry and challenges of building a business. And what most entrepreneurs don't know is that learning how to change their marketing strategies, in an understandable and effective way, will allow them to have many more people signing up for their programs, to build their income and effect much positive change.

I've Learned The Secret to Authentic Marketing, That Consistently Brings Me Wonderful Clients and Fills My Programs and Courses...and I'm Ready to Share It With You. In a Clear and "Done For Your System" So You Know Exactly How to Structure Your Practice and Create Long Term Success.

For years, I've been helping health and wellness entrepreneurs quickly and honestly transform the love of what they love to do into lucrative, enjoyable businesses that easily generates more income.

I've discovered that my knack for communicating with authenticity and integrity, which brings my clients consistent results, is actually part of an understandable system, and I'm ready to teach it to you now.

It often only takes a few simple changes to see a dramatic increase in new clients. For example: I worked with one coach who, with just one small change in her email marketing, was able to sell out her recent course and earn more in two months that all of last year in her business.

The entrepreneurs I've helped are just like you...but what they've learned has helped them expertly attract and keep more ideal clients, filling their programs and courses, WITHOUT giving up on the people they're meant to serve, feeling like a fraud, or spending countless hours on their business.

I Earned More in the First Two Months of 2011 Than ALL of 2010

Before working with Robert, I was frustrated -- knowing that as a Health Coach, I was doing great work with the few clients I had, but getting clients was a very slow process. I had great conversations with people about my work, but wasn�t able to get many to agree even to a Health History, much less sign up for a program. And when they DID agree to a Health History, the majority walked away not making a decision to work with me.

My marketing approach has totally changed now.  I have my target market clearly defined.  I use more interesting language that really sells benefits -- and those benefits are specifically related to my target market.  Best of all, I am making more money and enjoying it more. I earned more in the first 2 months of this year than I did all of last year! I can see now how to keep building it bigger. I am creating a �program plan� for the whole year, with a clear timeline for when to communicate it -- add that to my new skill of selling the benefits in a way that grabs people�s attention -- and there�s no stopping me now!

Paula Antonini
Health Coach

I Have A Real Profitable Making Business

Working with Robert has taken my health counseling practice from a hobby to a real money making business. His classes and coaching helped me to recognize and overcome the subconscious, self-imposed obstacles that were preventing me from monetary success. He also inspired me to find my motivation and why I deserve to be successful in this field. Once I identified the importance of what drives me, my business literally exploded.

His action oriented approach, helped me to follow through taking the steps necessary to grow my business in a way that is satisfying, lucrative and most importantly fun. I now own my power in a way I only dreamed and I continually attract the types of clients that make this work rewarding and fulfilling. I am grateful for this everyday!

Christine Lucas
Certified Health Counselor

Is This Audio Course Right For You?

  • You're passionate about helping people and want to make a positive difference, and in the process want to earn more money without being pushy

  • You want to fill your programs and courses with clients you love, but are not sure how to put together an understandable marketing plan

  • You've tried putting yourself out there, but are not always sure what to say when people ask you what you do, which leaves you feeling deflated or wondering what you might have "done wrong"

  • You love to work with clients but are not always successful at getting them to say yes during your consultations

  • You're ready to take your business to the next level of income and abundance and want specific how-to steps to guide you (regardless of the size of your email contact list)

  • You have an exciting new program, service or product you want to share with clients, and you need a template on how to promote that program, in a way that is authentic and brings results

  • You want to know how to get people to attend your events and avoid the embarrassment and expense of a poor turn-out for your classes and courses

  • You keep hearing how much people love the information you share but are perplexed as to why they don't hire you after you speak or talk with them

  • You have issues with self doubt, wondering if you know enough, if people want what you have to offer, or if you can be successful, which leaves you feeling tired and fearful

  • You keep hearing about other people have clients, and you wonder how you can do the same, and are ready to have the systems and support to finally make it happen, to generate success in your business

The Selling from the Heart telecourse is for every health and wellness entrepreneur who wants to attract and keep more ideal clients, fill their programs, courses and workshops faster, plus generate more prosperity and freedom in their time. It's a COMPLETE system, on how to create your entire marketing communication strategy, and do so in a way that is understandable, in less time.

This telecourse will benefit you whether you're just started a business for yourself or are a seasoned pro. Every entrepreneur needs to know how to communicate and market themselves, in way that's real, authentic, AND brings you abundance.

Here's Just a Preview of What Robert Will Cover in DETAIL during this Exclusive Audio Course Series

Robert Notter

Audio #1. Discover the Lucrative, Authentic Target Market You Can Serve, Create a Solid Business Foundation, and Effectively Build Your
Contact List

Effectively understand the bigger picture of business development so you can finally be clear about how all of the pieces fit together, thus creating focus and new opportunities to find clients in less time

How to create your business vision with some simple, powerful changes to experience new contacts and immediate visibility (I'll help you quickly and confidently make those changes)

How to immediately identify your IDEAL clients, people who will value you and pay for your work and why you MUST focus your time and energy on the people who respect and need you the most

Top strategies to, in a non pushy way, to grow your list the fastest and simplest way possible, creating a non-stop flow of potential new clients

The secret to discovering what your clients really want your help with (this is the key that can unlock unlimited potential and many of opportunities, currently being ignored in your business)

The authentic marketing communication foundation you must have in place to ensure that you build trust with contacts and clients so they'll want to work with you and how to keep their attention

How to create a shift in your mindset so that you will have the confidence to take action and trust that you can be successful

BONUS: You Get...

  • My chart detailing the Selling from the Heart marketing success overview so you can easily reference the bigger picture of biz development to spark new ideas for your business

  • Handy checklist of the 6 most common problems your client wants to have your help to solve (this will save you so much time and frustration!)

  • SIX questions you must ask to know if your target market is viable - people who are willing and ready to pay to work with you (feel free to print and use these over and over again - I want you to have the right tools)

  • My chart and worksheet on the top strategies to build your contact list with people who want what you have to offer and who can't wait to learn more about your work

  • The 6 principles of effective communication worksheet, to support you to start thinking about your marketing in a way that people will actually start coming to your classes and joining your programs

Robert Notter

Audio #2. Simple, Practically "Done for You" Ways to Communicate With & Attract Many Paying Clients Into Your Programs, Courses & Workshops

My Selling from the Heart System to quickly reveal how to create a proven strategy to find MANY more contacts, build trust, and authentically have your contacts become PAYING clients, over and over. You'll build your comprehensive communication plan.

Exactly how to communicate with people and what to say to instantly start attracting paying clients and generating referrals whether you're at the store, at a networking meeting or leading a class

Authentic success strategy, via email launch and referral partners, to enroll people into your programs and classes, transforming their status from "potential" to "paying" clients (with honesty and integrity)

How to create compelling email copy (even if you're not a writer) that will authentically and effortlessly motivate your contacts to quickly take action to join your classes, events and consultations, PLUS what emails to send and when

My effective and authentic Sales Conversation Success Formula, where I'll teach you EXACTLY what to say in your consultations, so that you'll double even triple sign-ups for your programs

BONUS: You Get...

  • Template and script that solves the problem of how you answer this question, "So what do you do?"

  • Communication success checklist, detailing what you must say as you speak with people (possible clients and referral partners) so that they take action to join your "community" and then join your programs and request consultations (as you build trust and familiarity)

  • Word-for-word Sales Conversation 10 Step Formula, that you can use in every consultation, so that your clients say "yes" to working with you

  • Sales email template and launch calendar, that will give you my EXACT system on how to promote your programs and courses by email, I'll even give you a calendar you can use to plan the dates for your promo emails so people join your programs

  • Handy template on how to structure your website homepage, so it's clear to prospects what you offer, and compels them to contact you

Robert Notter

Audio #3. Authentic Strategies to Keep Clients, Quickly Fill Your Business, & Have the Confidence to Make It Happen

Simple yet effective techniques to create attractive programs and courses that your contacts will line up to join...saving yourself lots of frustration

Effective tools to overcome client objections (are you tired of hearing them say "I can't afford it"), so that they'll always find a way to work with you, and you build your income

My system to create income opportunities in your business through your marketing pyramid, and what to do to stop missing out on the prosperity that's right under your nose

How to be the FIRST name on your ideal clients' minds so you stop worrying about what other people are doing, and clients will come to you

My sure-fire ways to create your stay-in-touch plan, so that you have a continual stream of new clients, automatically and consistently, even while you sleep, for this year and beyond (a long term success strategy)

BONUS: You Get...

  • Handy worksheet on how to overcome objections, and what to say in response to the most common objections so that clients will work with you

  • Income Opportunity worksheet, to clearly create new income, and discover your action plan to make it happen

  • Worksheet to overcome negative thoughts, so you stop letting those pesky voices of self doubt keep you from success and prosperity

  • New Ideas on how to make your programs and courses more attractive and fun so clients will want to work with you at various stages of knowing you

Robert Notter

Two BONUS "Q&A" Recordings

You'll be able to listen to two recordings of calls that Robert did live where he took callers questions. You'll learn so much for the questions the callers posed.

PLUS...These Additional BONUSES:

Robert Notter

Robert Notter

Complete Audio Recordings of the Selling from the Heart Telecourse Series

You can listen on the participant only website, or download to your MP3 player or computer, to listen in your own time!

Robert Notter

Robert Notter

Downloadable Transcripts of Each Call

I take a lot of notes, so I'm providing you with transcripts of each call. Read them online or download and print to access easily.

Robert Notter
Robert Notter

Downloadable Forms and Checklists

I take a lot of notes, so I'm providing you with transcripts of each call. Read them online or download and print to access easily.
  • My chart detailing the Selling from the Heart system, so you can easily reference what to do and when to spark new ideas for your business

  • Handy checklist of the 6 most common problems your client wants to have your help to solve (this will save you so much time and frustration!)

  • SIX questions you must ask to know if your target market is viable - people who are willing and ready to pay to work with you (feel free to print and use these over and over again - I want you to have the right tools)

  • The 6 principles of effective communication worksheet, to support you to start speaking and writing in a way that people will actually start coming to your classes and joining your programs

  • Template and script that solves the problem of how you answer this question, "So what do you do?"

  • Contact building checklist, to help you generate ideas about how to continually have new prospects interested in your work

  • Word-for-word Sales Conversation 10 Step Formula Template, that you can use in every consultation, so that your clients say "yes" to working with you

  • Sales email template and launch calendar, that will give you my EXACT system on how to promote your programs and courses by email, I'll even give you a full color calendar you can use to plan the dates for your promo emails so people join your programs (plus, you'll learn how to email in a balanced way, being proactive not pushy)

  • Handy template on how to structure your website homepage, so it's clear to prospects what you offer, and compels them to contact you

  • Handy worksheet on how to overcome objections, and what to say in response to the most common objections so that clients will work with you

  • Income Opportunity Formula worksheet, to clearly identify new streams of income, and an action plan to make it happen

  • Build Your Confidence worksheet, so you stop letting those pesky negative thoughts and self doubt keep you from success and prosperity

  • New Ideas on how to make your programs and courses more appealing and fun, so clients will want to work with you

VALUE: Priceless!

Robert Notter

Free ticket to Robert's
Live Workshop happening December 2017 in New York City

Would you like to be in a room full of other AMAZING entrepreneurs, of like mind, who are committed to success? Well, you'll be the first to receive a ticket, and you'll get to attend for free.

These are the people who are committed to sharing their work with MANY more clients, to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. And the same people who want to and do earn 6-Figure income doing work they love.

The opportunity to connect with this high level of big thinkers is priceless. You'll make friends, get referrals, and have a community to support you to think big. And you can bring a friend with you for free!

Value: $997

As You Can See, I'm Giving You All You Need to Succeed!

During this audio course, you'll have many enlightening moments that will show you why you've been stuck and specifically HOW to move forward attracting and keeping more ideal clients, in a powerful, yet authentic way!

The audios for calls are ready for you to listen to NOW, so don't delay, sign up for this special call series right now.

I Left My Full Time Day Job & Am Successfully Building My Practice

Before I began working with Robert, I was simultaneously working a 9-5 job while building a private practice. I was stressed out, overwhelmed and didn't have clarity. I had a lot of fears around putting myself out there and really committing to a direction. I felt like I had to choose between coaching and a "stable" job. I was really confused about what direction I should take.

I really credit Robert for taking my private practice to the next level. He enabled me to confront my fears. He helped me find the confidence to believe in myself and the services I offer. Though his support I have been able leave the security of my full time job and commit to building my practice my full time. This has allowed me to make time for my own self-care and spend more time with my family. I have many more clients and my business continues to grow. I feel truly blessed to have Robert in my life.

Jennifer Bronsnick
Clinical Social Worker & Coach
My Communication Skills Are Effective and Powerful

Before I worked with Robert the focus of my business was unclear, I had no personal brand and needed to be more efficient and organized. The reason I decided to work in the coaching program was because of Robert's energy, knowledge, professionalism and enthusiasm to help me succeed.

Not only was the program fun, it was informative and transformational. He helped me develop a personal brand, marketing plan, and also helped me to find clarity. I learned to effectively communicate with others and consistently attract the type of clients I truly enjoy working with.

Bobbie Miller
Certified Health Counselor
Bobbie Health
I Have A 100 % Closing the Deal Success Rate

When I met Robert, I thought I knew everything I needed to be and stay successful, but I was wrong. Fortunately, with Robert's mentoring and classes, I learned that, though I had has some success, there were several crucial aspects of marketing and business management that I was missing, and I was feeling stuck.

Over the course of the next several months, he helped me to understand, fine tune and deliver my marketing action plan in a more effective manner, with great results. Now, I have more confidence, more energy and a better outlook. I also run a thriving health coaching practice, and have a 100% closing the deal rate thanks to his tools!

Patrick Martin, Jr.
Nutritional Consultant
I Have Doubled My Coaching Rates

Before working with Robert, my business was doing okay, but I was not clear as to where I should focus. I felt overwhelmed at times, especially around pricing the services, I was charging a lot less than I was worth.

Working with Robert, helped me to prioritize and focus. He helped me to assess my worth and move pass blocks surrounding being paid more. In fact, I have doubled my coaching rates, and people are consistently signing up! Today my business is way more profitable, and many more income streams. Thanks To Robert I got my article published! It really makes a huge difference when you work with Robert, no need to struggle when you can get someone who can help you grow your clientele, and be profitable!

Rese Young
Certified Health & Lifestyle Coach | Motivational Speaker
I Make Money Regardless of the Economy

I felt overwhelmed trying to target areas to grow my business as a Health Counselor. Then I remembered the support, light and direction I received from Robert when I was fresh out of school at Integrative Nutrition. I contacted him and he came through for me with a light stronger than ever. Now, I am attracting clients, have more confidence and direction and don't even think about the economy. Robert is a gem, a Business Coach with heart.

Working with Robert has given me a safety net and a belief in myself. Every time I have a concern or need a boost he is there. He helped me calm down and feel that anything is possible. And he listens and really cares. I am able to listen to my intuition more and take chances I never took before. Presently, I am having success and great fun presenting at corporate health fairs. I am working with two doctors I respect. Before my business coaching with Robert I never would have had the confidence to reach out to these areas.

Ellen Ziegler,CHHC
Certified Coach

Where else can you access a telecourse like this with a successful entrepreneur who wants to personally help YOU...for such a reasonable investment?

Robert Notter As you can imagine, gaining access this information not typically available at such an extremely affordable price. Clients working with me privately pay significantly more. At just $347 for all five audios, you will certainly receive much more in value and new clients. In fact, I'd say the FIRST audio alone, where you'll learn my authentic sales formula, is worth the entire investment of the telecourse!

If you're serious about attracting and keeping more ideal clients so you can fill your programs, courses and workshops faster, this is the course to join. Plus, you'll do it in a way that is from the heart!
Robert Notter

My Personal Guarantee!

I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the information delivered in the Business Jumpstart System telecourse. Robert Notter

If you listen to the first audio and you're not 100% excited by the information provided - just let me know within 30 days and I'll arrange to have your entire course fee credited towards another of my courses within the next 6 months.

So...Are You Ready to Learn My System That Makes It Possible For You to Market Less, Fill Your Programs, Courses and Workshops Faster and Find More Paying Clients?

Register now to learn personally from Robert the success formula every health and wellness professional must know in order to attract - and keep! - more ideal clients, WITHOUT giving up on the people you're meant to serve, feeling phony, or wasting time.

Robert Notter

"Yes, I'm ready to commit to learn the Selling from the Heart System directly from Robert."

When I enroll in this special Selling from the Heart audio course, I will receive:
  • 3 Training audios, each about 90-minutes long, taught personally by Robert (you have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the recordings once you register)

  • 2 90-minute Q&A audios, to learn from what other practitioners are doing

  • PDF course checklists and tip lists - you'll be able to download these prior to each of the 3 content calls so you can follow along

  • PDF transcripts of all 5 audios - these will be accessible a few days after each call

  • MP3 audios of all 5 audios - listen on your computer or MP3 device from anywhere

  • FREE ticket to Robert's Live December 2017 Workshop in NYC -these two days will transform your business and change your life (and you can bring a guest for free!)

So Which Risk-Free Payment Option Do You Prefer?
Click One Option Now

Option One:

Pay in Full at just $347 $173

Option Two:
2 Monthly Payments of $178 $89

Please know and feel assured that this online transaction is 100% secure. After your information is received you will get an electronic receipt and instructions within just a few minutes.

Don't miss it, at this one-time-only affordable price.

So, are you ready?

To your shining success,

P.S. Remember, you're investing in Selling from the Heart to do work you love and help more people. You've got nothing to lose and so much to gain, so register now.

P.P.S. The FULL CLASS AUDIOS are avaialbe NOW, you can listen as soon as you sign up for the entire "Selling From The Heart" telecourse for just $347, so get your audios now!

Robert Notter
ph: 212-541-8794

© 2017 Robert Notter. All Rights Reserved.