Robert Notter
Robert Notter

Specifically for Coaches, Healers, Counselors & Holistic Practitioners
Who Work In the Service of Others

I'm inviting you to join me LIVE for *2 DAYS* where I'll personally show you how to finally earn more money in your business, and break free of the fears and confusion around finding clients... ALL so that you can TRANSFORM your business, your income and your life.

PLEASE NOTE: EMERGE 2014 is happening THIS SPRING! DATE TO COE SOON. If you'd like more information email my team at and let us know you'd like to be on the list.

Robert Notter, Marketing and Mindset Coach
Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
From: Robert Notter, Marketing & Mindset Expert Coach

Dear Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs,

Your life is a series of moments and in each of those moments you're creating your future. It's not by chance that you're here now, there is a big part of you that wants to succeed and create the future you deserve, doing work you love. The part of you that wants to EMERGE and transform both your life and your business into a continual stream of abundance and success.

Do you want to earn more money but are confused about what to do next to actually find clients for your business?

Are you ready to stop hiding out, and start serving the world in a much bigger way through the gift of your services?

Do you realize that your business will not succeed until you work through the fears, limiting beliefs and self-sabotage that consciously and unconsciously keep you from earning more money?

Are you frustrated with the draining and complicated marketing you have in place and have been wishing for a simpler approach to securing coaching clients and cash flow?

Are you ready to get your new business off to the right start or take your established business - including your credibility, income and even your lifestyle - to the next level?

If you answered "Yes!" to ANY of these questions and you want an exciting, high income generating business - one where you're helping many people - then join me LIVE May 10-11, 2013 in amazing New York City where I'll hand you my systems, templates, forms, and formulas so you can create the success and lifestyle you deserve.

It's important to remember that playing small doesn't serve you or the world. It's about taking that leap, to emerge into the new you - a holistic professional who earns more money, owns your self-worth, feels comfortable being visible and who is finally free of the worry and confusion you feel around growing your business.

I understand, I've been in your shoes. I left the corporate world with dreams of making a HUGE difference in the world to step into my greatness and trust that my calling was to create profound transformation. It was scary at first, moving out of that comfort zone. Let's face it, it's way easier to just put up with what's "familiar" or not working, than to change. But I knew that I had so much to gain and nothing to lose, and my life was waiting for me to take that step towards success.

So please know, you and I are the same. And this very moment is your opportunity to connect with the part of you that KNOWS you are meant to succeed. That inner calling to help other people through your work to overcome the challenges that hold them back from a happy, healthy and amazingly prosperous life.

And to create this same success for yourself!

So you need to ask yourself: what is this worth to you? The opportunity to finally earn more money, give to those you care about, and succeed in ways that you may not have thought possible until now.

And I want to honestly and AUTHENTICALLY model this for you that a highly successful business is possible. Making money is part of your birthright on this planet. And as you earn more, you take a stand for YOUR clients that they too can prosper. And I want to show you how to do this and to truly emerge, and have fun in the process!

Success From Within

              definition: e - merge /i'm'rj/
                    1. Move out of or away from something and come into view.
                    2. Become apparent, important, or prominent.


This is your time to move away from the challenges that hold you back and to become the PROMINENT and VALUABLE health professional you are meant to be.

Insight and analogy: Your business is part of your life, you are intricately connected with it. And in order for you to emerge into a new level of success you must nourish your business much like you nourish your own body. You have to "feed" it the right ingredients, "breathe" in fresh new perspectives and "move it" so that the oxygen flows. I'm sure this resonates for you... just like your own physical body, what you put into your business will affect its overall health, success and longevity.

And it's not nearly as complicated as you might think. It just takes your commitment to making it happen, the confident mindset to attract results, and understanding the right marketing systems and strategies. Plus, the support and accountability to stay on the fast track to countless opportunities and successes.

Wherever you are now in your business, your mindset and your life, I'm ready to help you create a HUGE shift in the profitability of your practice, and build your confidence to make it happen. At this 2-day LIVE event, I'll share how to generate income AND more importantly, create the lifestyle you desire.

Success From Within
"I Have A Real Money Making Business."

"Working with Robert has taken my health counseling practice from a hobby to a real money-making business. His classes and coaching helped me to recognize and overcome the subconscious, self-imposed obstacles that were preventing me from monetary success. He also inspired me to find my motivation and why I deserve to be successful in this field. Once I identified the importance of what drives me, my business literally exploded.

His action-oriented approach helped me to follow through to take the steps necessary to grow my business in a way that is satisfying, lucrative and most importantly fun. I now own my power in a way I only dreamed of, and I continually attract clients that make this work rewarding and fulfilling. I am grateful for this everyday!"

Christine Lucas, Certified Health Counselor

Success From Within
"I Overcame My Fears and Left My Day Job to Coach Full Time."

"Before I began working with Robert, I was simultaneously working a 9-5 job while building a private practice. I was stressed out, overwhelmed and didn't have clarity. I had a lot of fears around putting myself out there and really committing to a direction. I felt like I had to choose between coaching and a "stable" job. I was really confused about what direction I should take.

I really credit Robert for taking my private practice to the next level. He enabled me to confront my fears. He helped me find the confidence to believe in myself and the services I offer. Through his support I have been able to leave the security of my full time job and commit to building my practice my full time. This has allowed me to make time for my own self-care and spend more time with my family. I have many more clients and my business continues to grow. I feel truly blessed to have Robert in my life."

Jennifer Bronsnick, Clinical Social Worker & Coach

Success From Within
"I Earned More in the Two Months Than ALL of Last Year"

"Before working with Robert, I was frustrated knowing that as a Health Coach I was doing great work with the few clients I had, but getting clients was a very slow process. I had great conversations with people about my work, but wasn't able to get many to agree even to a Health History, much less sign up for a program. And when they DID agree to a Health History, the majority walked away not making a decision to work with me.

My marketing approach has totally changed now.  I have my niche clearly defined.  I use more interesting language that really sells benefits and those benefits are specifically related to my target market.  Best of all, I am making more money and enjoying it more. I earned more in the first 2 months of this year than I did all of last year! I can see now how to keep building it bigger. I am creating a 'program plan' for the whole year, with a clear timeline for when to communicate it. Plus, I know how to promote in an authentic way, that grabs people's attention, and there's no stopping me now!"

Paula Antonini, Health Coach

Holistic professionals always ask me, "Robert, what did you do to create a dramatic breakthrough in your business?" Let me share with you a sampling of the shifts I made create a prosperous multi 6-figure business (and I want you to know these shifts will work for you, too, no matter WHERE you're at in your business right now)...

You need to learn to build a list of clients who are willing and able to pay to work with you. A steady increase in your conversion rates can mean thousands of dollars to you in new income.

You want to stop treating your business like a hobby and learn to master your time and implement the right marketing systems. In essence, putting the pieces of the biz dev puzzle together, so that it flows. This means that your business grows even while you sleep, creating a lot less worry.

You'd like to learn to work with clients in multiple ways, to both leverage your time and income. This way you can serve people at all stages of their "readiness" to work with you, and actually earn more. Plus, stop seeing your business as "dollars per hour" so that you build momentum and attract higher paying clients.

You want to set the goal that money will flow in EVERY day. And learn to embrace what it means to be prosperous, and own your worth. When I did this, in just a short time I quickly reduced those revenue roller-coaster months, freeing up my creativity to grow my business even bigger with real satisfaction.

You're ready to overcome the fears and self-doubts that hold you back. It's shocking when you actually take an honest look at the hurdles you both consciously and unconsciously create, costing you thousands in lost income and potential every month.

Every module at the Emerge Workshop is fundamentally based in the magical combination of marketing strategy and mindset mastery. You'll learn, every step of the way, how to build your confidence and take action. To move past your fears, doubt, and worry... and into a new realm of possibility.
A place of personal empowerment,
confidence, and trust!

My journey of starting my business from scratch and growing it into a heart-based, high income endeavor started with the SAME steps I'm going to walk you through when you join me for 2 days of the most powerful shifts in your business and your life in these KEY AREAS of your business...

Training Session 1:
"The Keys to Client Attractive Communication, So You Consistently Start Transforming Contacts and Conversations into Paying Clients"
In this training session you'll discover:
    Robert Notter My Authentic Communication Method® - 6 basic elements of communication, simple yet powerful tools that will have people eager and excited to learn more about your work and be part of your community and invest in your services
    Robert Notter The real reasons people sign up for your programs and courses, and the simple shifts you need to make to quickly increase your income
    Robert Notter Where and when you should be connecting with potential clients, so you're prepared to capture their contact information, build trust over time, and ensure that they become a paying client
    Robert Notter Guidelines for how to manage any potential client conversation- what you should talk about, what you should ask, and how to create a genuine connection (most biz owners unconsciously get this wrong, leaving them broke and frustrated when they could instead be serving others in a powerful way)
    Robert Notter Simple and effective ways to write email copy that are persuasive yet authentic and motivates your contacts to take that next step: signing up for your newsletters, coming to your classes, registering for a consultation and paying for your programs
    Robert Notter How often to stay in touch, and in what situations, so you're proactive, not pushy and your prospects respond to your promotions and invest in your services
    Robert Notter What to offer your prospective clients that is MOST likely to generate a "Yes - that's what I want!" response
    Robert Notter How to "seed for success" in your newsletter, social media, your blog and more (this is my secret for creating a rush of new clients every time I promote program or course)

    You'll benefit from the mindset mastery:

    In this module, you'll embrace and welcome the idea that marketing is not about manipulation, it's about you sharing from the heart. You'll dispel the beliefs that you're a "bad communicator." And realize that you make a difference in the world, and stand for the success of others. You'll know that your voice and words resonate with others.


    • "Authentic Communication Method" template detailing exactly which elements to include in every conversation or communication scenario, so you have that "How do I learn more now?" response from you contacts

    • Checklist of the top questions to ask any new contact, so they actually know you care about helping them, and will want to learn more about your work

    • My template of how to write a BOLD and compelling headlines for your emails and newsletters, that has people open them every time

    • Checklist of potential client resources, i.e. the tips and information you can use at any time, providing immediate value to new contacts so they want to be on your mailing list and work with you

    Robert Notter

    Training Session 2:
    "Quickly and Easily Create Lucrative Referral Partnerships to Grow Your List and Your Income"
    In this training session you'll discover:
      Robert Notter The important mindset shift you'll need to position yourself as a star within your community and boost your credibility, and have referral partners consistently sending you clients
      Robert Notter How to identify the best potential referral partners are for your business and your clients, so you'll save time and have them say "yes" to partnering with you continually, even if you have a small list
      Robert Notter Step by step, how to research and find referral partners, so you know exactly what to do and when, saving you lots of frustration and money
      Robert Notter Word for word, what to say when you call or write a new contact, so they'll want to learn more about your business and will refer clients to you, AND how to continue to build the relationship
      Robert Notter How to generate referral sources, including an exciting checklist of ways you can partner with them to create win-win opportunities for both of you

      You'll benefit from the mindset mastery:

      You'll finally trust and embody the principle that people do want what you have to offer. You'll stop questioning yourself and will have the confidence to reach out and build relationships. Equally as important, you'll look in the mirror and say "I am important, my work matters, and I am meant to shine."


      • 6-month referral partner plan to track what to do and when, so you build more contacts in less time

      • Detailed script explaining exactly what to say when presenting your services to a referral partner

      • Done-for-you email that tells you exactly what to write when you contact a potential new referral partner, so they actually call or write you back

      • Checklist of services and promotions you can offer referral partners, so they immediately start working with you
      Robert Notter

      Training Session 3:
      "How to Master Group and Master Minds (Helping You Grow Your Reputation, Leverage Your Time and Income and Help Your Clients Reach Even Better Results)"
      In this training session you'll discover:
        Robert Notter What is the OPTIMUM number of people to include in a group or master mind coaching call
        Robert Notter How to plan for, create and structure group master minds, so it flows easily for both you and the participants
        Robert Notter The best ways to market your groups, so you consistently fill each program and quickly build your income in less time
        Robert Notter Step by step, how to start and lead your calls, including what to say to maximize participation and how to end on time, every time
        Robert Notter Why group programs are a lucrative strategy for YOU and why your clients will also benefit from this specialized approach

        You'll benefit from the mindset mastery:

        How integrating this new income stream with ease, will allow you to work less, help more people, and leverage your business for growth. You'll feel confident as a leader, and trust in your work and your message.


        • Step by step template, outlining exactly what to do when, during each moment of your group or master mind coaching call

        • Mastermind Marketing checklist on how to promote your programs so you fill them with the best clients

        • Checklist of the best details to include in your programs, so your participants feel totally loved and validated by the support they receive
        Robert Notter

        Training Session 4:
        "How to Intuitively and Strategically Create Your Marketing Plan to Earn More Money in Less Time"
        In this training session you'll discover:
          Robert Notter Why you must consistently challenge yourself to raise your fees else you'll unfairly stall out your income and unwisely place your business growth on hold
          Robert Notter Simple, effective ways to generate a steady flow of ideal potential clients
          Robert Notter How to quickly transform feeling overwhelmed or "I'm not sure what to do next" into action and momentum that pays off with paying clients
          Robert Notter Why NOW is the perfect time to hit "refresh" on your programs, products or other coaching offers
          Robert Notter The ONE simple action step most coaches ignore that is costing them dozens of new clients every year (think of what this could mean to you in reclaimed income and energy for your business!)
          Robert Notter Useful tips on how to find TIME to put your New Client Marketing Plan into action within the next 24 hours

          You'll benefit from the mindset mastery:

          As a result of this module, you'll understand that from this and every day forward, your marketing plan is bound for success. You'll truly believe that the results will come and understand that by taking action you create a shift in the success of your business. You'll recognize that it's your birthright to share in the abundance of this planet.


          • Detailed checklist on how to connect with your intuition, so you are guided to take the right steps at the right time

          • Step by step "Marketing Success Plan," detailing exactly how you'll attract your next 5 clients, all outlined in an easy to implement, "I can do this and trust myself!" format
          Robert Notter

          "My Newsletter Subscriber Contacts Have Increased by 600%."

          "My newsletter subscriber contacts have increased by over 600% in just 3 months. I've also made more money in the last 4 months than I have ALL of last year. I'm so grateful.

          The other thing is that Robert really holds you in your own power, and helps you to be better than you think you can possibly be. He has helped me gain my confidence and believe in myself, and support my clients. He encourages me to reach higher than I could have possibly imagined. Deciding to work with him in his Mastery Program has been one of the best choices I have ever made."

          Mark Carlson, Certified Health Coach/Consultant

          "My Income Has Increased Over 500%."

          "In the last year of working with Robert in his Mastery Program, I was able to leave my corporate job. I've already signed up 10 high paying Platinum Clients. I even launched a successful group program. In addition, I've given many workshops. And I am excited to share I just started a venture with a physical therapist to work in her office.

          At this point, these successes have helped me increase my newsletter subscribers by over 400%. In the last 6 months, I've increased my income by OVER 500 % than what I made ALL of 2012 in my health coaching practice. PLUS I have a foundation that is sending out a newsletter on my behalf to over 50,000 people! So not only has my business grown, I am helping and reaching a lot more people!"

          Mina Penna, Health Coach

          This will be a life and business changing event.

          I also know that these success strategies should be accessible to everyone, no matter how much money you make now. The world needs your help, and you need to know how to get clients to say YES to working with you. These are the exact tools I've used to create a multiple six figure business. The value of this event will bring you more clients, more confidence, and the freedom to know that you WILL SUCCEED doing the work you love.

          Remember, I'm sharing the same strategies that I and all of my best clients use, which will:
          • Take months of planning and preparation off your shoulders

          • Dance break at the workshop
          • Give you new income streams you can launch almost immediately
          • Include checklists, forms and templates to help you be successful
          • Help you become the type of person, mind/body/spirit, who authentically and consistently attracts clients
          • Save you from making costly, time consuming mistakes
          • Help you create more money, even with your very first or next client
          • Remove all of the guesswork regarding getting started the right way
          • Solve the problem of how to leverage your time into greater income while working less
          • Bring you the fulfilling financial and spiritual rewards you've been seeking
          • Ensure you only work with your ideal clients
          • Transform your business model into one you love
          I spent a lot of time meditating on this, and I was intuitively guided to make this information available to you in an affordable way.


          Details At A Glance

           LOCATION:          New York City, Midtown Manhattan

           DATES:                Friday, May 10 - Saturday, May 11, 2013

           TIMES:                 9 am to 5 pm each day

           TRAVEL:               LaGuardia Airport, Newark Airport, JFK; or trains to Grand Central or Penn Station. Event location easily accessible by subway.

           HOTEL OPTIONS: List of nearby hotels presented on
          the registration thank you page

          These will be two days you won't forget!


          "My Clients Now Pay Me $1,500 Per Month for My Program."

          "Prior to working with Robert, I felt lost in a fuzzy cloud of "Where do I begin?" I wanted to help anyone and everyone with very little focus and certainly without a niche or specialty. This made it very difficult to market myself let alone explain what I did for a living.

          Robert offered "done for you" lists and activities that walked me step by step through finding my niche AND in writing a teleclass! Brilliant! His teaching skills made the process easy and super fun. Now, I enjoy telling people what I do for a living, and I'm attracting elite clientele who pay $1,500 a month for my diamond platinum program. I radiate gratitude for the work Robert does in this world. His skills and knowledge allow me to fulfill my dreams and help change the way the world person at a time."

          Allison Suter, Elite Nutritional Coach

          "My Income Has Doubled"

          "Before working with Robert my business was all over the place. I was stressed out and confused because I felt that I needed to be everything to everyone. My business was doing alright but it lacked focus. I was missing a clear path to creating a business that was uniquely me.

          Working with Robert has allowed me to define a business that is conducive to my lifestyle. He gave me the ability to stand in my power and work through my self-sabotaging beliefs. As a result my income has more than doubled and I am seen as an expert in my field. I love working with the clients I attract and continue to evolve my business to fit my busy lifestyle. I am grateful to have Robert as my mentor, guide and inspiration."

          Waltraud R. Unger, Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

          Once You Register, You'll Receive These FREE BONUSES:

          Bonus Pre-Event Teleseminar
          Training in Robert's
          "Empower Your Coaching" System

          This bonus is ONLY available if you secure your ticket to the workshop.

          Whether you're new to coaching or you're an experienced coach, the Confident Coaching method will make it easy for you to confidently coach anyone, on any topic, to a deep and meaningful breakthrough, in record time. You'll save time, get better results with your clients and be able to charge more once you learn the Confident Coaching® method.

          You'll learn to "call it like you see it" without risking your relationship or reputation, plus how to end your sessions on time (running over on sessions takes so much of your income and their energy! You'll also know why clients will pay more for a coach who calls them on their "stuff" (and why this works like magic to attract better clients).

          AND Robert will share key questions and phrases you can ask to take your coaching to a deeper level and create that bond you want with your clients. You'll truly know how to authentically stand in your power, even with difficult or demanding clients.
          VALUE: $297
          Robert Notter

          Workbook &
          Complete Materials

          This special bonus will save you HOURS of time. I've carefully packaged the tools you need to be successful in your own special workbook. These are the SAME tools I've used in my business for years, so you KNOW they work.

          Each of the templates, scripts, checklists, examples and more is beautifully presented in a beautiful bound workbook, so it's easy for you to reference over and over again as part of your Six Figure Success Plan.

          Value: Honestly, the worth of these templates, scripts, checklists, examples in the workbook and more is hard to estimate. Especially when you consider they represent years of my experience and effort to create. So I think it's reasonable to say it's worth $497.
          Robert Notter

          Spotlight Coaching Sessions
          LIVE With Robert

          Throughout the workshop I'm including opportunities to receive spotlight coaching with me to get your questions answered. I'm known for creating a sacred space where it's safe to get right to the heart of an issue...FAST. I LOVE the transformation created right on-the-spot during these moments! And even if you don't ask a question and get coaching, you'll learn from the opportunity to witness masterful coaching.

          VALUE: Taking into account that I've created a multiple 6-figure business, the value of these spotlight sessions are priceless
          Robert Notter

          Surprise Gifts

          Each day you'll receive some surprise gifts and treats. I love giving gifts, and you're going to love this special bonus!

          VALUE: $97
          Robert Notter

          Networking Opportunities

          Each morning, registration opens early so you can meet your event colleagues and network to support one another to find clients!

          And for lunch, we'll give you a full list of ALL the tasty, healthy restaurants and stores nearby, plus give you a "lunch time networking checklist" and assignment. You are going to love
          connecting with these wonderful people!

          VALUE: Priceless
          Robert Notter

          Bring a Friend for Just $50

          Why not invite a friend, colleague, member of your team or even your spouse to attend the Success from Within Live Workshop with you? It's such a gift to share this experience with someone you know or love who supports you on your journey to more success, plus you can split the expenses (I've seen firsthand how critical this can be to supporting your success).

          Details on Bring a Friend ticket for just $50 are on the "Thank You" page you'll see once you reserve YOUR seat.

          Note: Bring a Friend tickets are non-refundable.
          Robert Notter


          I'll Even Include This Pre-Workshop Training To Help Get You Started
          On Your EMERGE® journey


          Reserve Your Ticket BEFORE April 2nd

          To get this exclusive training - totally FREE!

          Our intention is that you benefit from your Emerge ticket even BEFORE you join us live. So we're gifting you with this FREE BONUS training before the Emerge Live workshop.

          In this BONUS training you'll discover:

          How to identify and eliminate ANY conflicting feelings about money and take your business to the next income level from a place of integrity and authenticity.

          How to release the 'money stories' that you grew up with and, and create new money attractive mindset patterns that inspire you to take action to find clients consistently

          Ways to get to the BOTTOM of why you keep attracting the same money issues, and what to do about it to FREE yourself from this self-sabotaging pattern

          A powerful exercise to forgive the past and overcome negative thoughts that secretly hold you back from generating more income and freedom

          The ONE KEY reason why you don't have to forfeit living an authentic, spiritual life or give up your most important values when you focus on making and keeping more money

          A powerful exercise to forgive the past and overcome negative thoughts that secretly hold you back from generating more income and freedom

          BONUS "done-for-you" forms, checklists and exercises to help you create a money breakthrough

          Act now, reserve your EMERGE Live ticket BY APRIL 3 to get this FREE BONUS training course.


          Plus, to put you 100% at ease, I'm giving you...
          Robert Notter

          Success From Within with Robert Notter

          My Generous "You'll Be Happy" Guarantee

          My intention is for you to be 100% thrilled by attending the Emerge workshop; and if for some reason you aren't able to attend, I want to make sure you are happy. Reserve your ticket now and if for any reason you can't attend, you have up until 21 days before the workshop begins to personally ask for a refund. We'll refund your ticket purchase, less a modest $50 bookkeeping/administrative fee.

          I recommend this: Register now to lock in one of the limited tickets, and start imagining what it will be like to experience my secrets to creating a highly successful business. Your business and life will change in wonderful and positive ways!

          Please Note: The modest investment in the add-on option to Bring a Friend is non-refundable.

          This two-day intensive is being held in a beautiful ballroom in the Middle of New York City.

          I can't think of a better setting to lead this workshop! The energy of New York City, combined with the beauty of our conference space... you'll have lots of time to connect with your Emerge Colleagues.

          I take my environment very seriously, as it has a HUGE impact on how productive, creative and effective we are able to be in our work so I wanted to include that mindset into this entire experience.

          Robert Notter And this event is specifically for health and wellness practitioners, so you will be with people of like mind, who are committed to success.

          As soon as you register for Emerge, you'll receive more information about the event, with hotel and transportation suggestions.

          Robert Notter Our elegant ballroom meeting space is right near Radio City Music Hall with BEAUTIFUL views of midtown. It will inspire and motivate you. And there are plenty of healthy places for food and snacking, on breaks and during lunch (including fun restaurants, health food stores, Times Square and juice bars, the best of NYC dining for any budget). You'll be able to eat with your colleagues, and maybe even take a stroll along the river!

          Success From Within

          "Yes Robert, I can't wait to attend your
          BRAND NEW Emerge LIVE Workshop
          in New York City and increase my coaching income, simplify my marketing and grow my list with systems, scripts and training you’ll hand me at this workshop!"

          I understand that when I attend the Intensive with this group of other holistic, spirit-rich entrepreneurs in New York City on May 10 - 11, I will receive these benefits:

          • Workbook filled with templates, scripts, checklists, examples (and more) for each Module.

          • Opportunity to receive spotlight coaching with you during the workshop.

          • Opportunity to ask you questions during the workshop.

          • Fun surprise gifts, that you've hand-picked just for me.

          • Pre-workshop live training teleseminar on how to confidently coach clients to success and create a lasting bond.

          • Pre-workshop training course on how to create a money breakthrough.

          • Option to bring a friend, partner or colleague for only a $50 additional fee. I understand this option is available once I complete my purchase of my workshop ticket.

          Savings Option One:
          (best deal, available until 4/17/2013)

          Reserve my seat now.
          PLEASE NOTE: The workshop is now SOLD OUT. You can put your name on a waiting list, and if a seat opens up we will contact you on a first come, first served basis. Simply email my team at and let us know you'd like to be on the list.


          I can't wait to welcome you in-person and help you create the financially and spiritually successful you deserve, and find clients you love so you quickly build your income.

          So if you're ready to take your new or existing business to the next level and you want the specific training, mindset shifts, systems and coaching skills to do so, don't wait another moment. Reserve your seat at Emerge now!

          To your prosperity,

          Robert Notter
          Marketing & Mindset Coach

          Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Emerge.

          Q: Who is this workshop best for?

          A: This is for health and wellness professionals - entrepreneur, coach, consultant, healer, intuitive, therapist or other professional - who creates transformation for others.

          I'll show you exactly how to create income in your business and most of all, how to make your business more profitable because no matter if you're just getting started or you've been in business a few years, it's what you KEEP that matters most.

          Q: I don't have a big list, will this work for me?

          A: You don't need to have a big list, products or even a website for this to work for you. This training will show you how to implement understandable marketing strategies that help you find clients, so you save lots of time and move your business forward, faster.

          Q: What makes this workshop different than other marketing events?

          A: While there are many events you could go to, they don't always address one crucial piece of the puzzle - if you don't learn how to work through the self-imposed blocks (fears, self doubt, money issues)- you're destined to struggle forever with over work, over delivering and under charging.

          As an entrepreneur, I started with nothing but an idea and the desire to help others, and built a highly successful business NOT because of marketing more, but because of transforming my mindset, which made ALL of my marketing work for me. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do.

          Q: I'm looking for practical information I can use immediately - will I get that?

          A: Yes, I'm going to walk you through, step by step, how to accomplish key areas crucial to creating a lucrative and authentic business.

          When you think about how much money is likely slipping through your fingers right now, you can see that this alone is worth many times MORE than the modest investment in your ticket.

          Q: I am more interested in doing what I love than earning money, will this still apply to me?

          A: Yes, for sure. And the cool thing is, when you can create new and affirming beliefs around your relationship with money itself, you can even more successfully do what you love - helping people make dramatic transformation.

          Q: I need to make money right now, can you help me with that, too?

          A: Yes! I've got you covered on this. As a bonus for reserving your ticket I'm gifting you with a pre-workshop training in my Money Breakthrough Blueprint where I'll walk you through IN DETAIL my complete strategy for attracting more money and owning your worth.

          Considering the value of just ONE client for you, (and trust me, you'll be confidently charging more as a result of the strategy I'll teach you) this bonus is easily worth TWICE the modest investment in your Emerge workshop ticket.

          The income shifts you'll be able to make in your business as a result of this pre-workshop bonus will get you started on your Emerge journey, no matter where you are in your business right now. I can't wait to support you!

          Success From Within
          "We Had Over 50 People Attend Our Last Event."

          "Before working with Robert, we were just getting started with our business. We wanted to hit the ground running and needed help knowing what were the priorities. Because we are older, we didn't have time to ease into the business. We had lots of financial responsibilities with kids in college, a mortgage, etc.

          Because of our work with Robert, our contact list is growing quickly. We are focused on working with people we like and who like us. We've learned to write a successful newsletter. Plus, we are doing all our marketing and program design with the needs of our clients in mind. Because of his coaching, we learned how to fill our events, and had over 50 people attend our last workshop. "

          Julie and Tom Meekins, Child Development Specialists, Health Coaches

          Success From Within
          "I Have Doubled My Coaching Rates"

          "Working with Robert, helped me to prioritize and focus. He helped me to assess my worth and move pass blocks surrounding being paid more. In fact, I have doubled my coaching rates, and people are consistently signing up! Today my business is way more profitable, and many more income streams. Thanks To Robert I got my article published! It really makes a huge difference when you work with Robert, no need to struggle when you can get someone who can help you grow your clientele, and be profitable!"

          Rese Young, Certified Health & Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker

          "I Have Increased My Revenue 30% In 6 Months"

          "I have been in business for 25 years, and although I have been making a decent living I realized I was doing the same thing over and over again. I was not keeping up current trends and burning out. Since I have been working with Robert I have a whole new look to my business and have reinvented myself. I am doing seminars, teleseminars programs, Skye programs, and I have only just begun. My motivation has returned to what it was 25 years ago.

          I have only been working with Robert for 6 months and I have increased my revenue 30 percent. I look forward to quadrupling it and more. This was the best decision I made. I went into it thinking 'I can't afford this', now I say I cannot afford not to work with Robert I feel alive again in business."

          Barbara Crosby, Motivational Coach

          Success From Within
          "I Have A 100% Closing-the-Deal Success Rate"

          "When I met Robert, I thought I knew everything I needed to be and stay successful, but I was wrong. Fortunately with Robert's mentoring and classes, I learned that though I had some success, there were several crucial aspects of marketing and business management that I was missing, and I was stuck.

          Over the course of the next several months, he helped me to understand, fine tune and deliver my marketing action plan in a more effective manner with great results. Now, I have more confidence, more energy and a better outlook. I also run a thriving health coaching practice and have a 100% closing-the-deal rate thanks to his tools!"

          Patrick Martin, Jr., Nutritional Consultant

          "I Am Presenting About Health On Capitol Hill"

          "I owe a lot to Robert for where my business is today and for where I know it is heading. What I didn't realize when I joined the program was how much I was going to be looking inside and figuring out personal issues and fears I had about money and setting boundaries. Robert has helped me find ways to manage my workload so that I am consistently taking action and no longer overwhelmed.

          I've learned to value myself and my time and feel confident in charging for my work. In fact, clients are now paying $3000 for my 4-month program. I've also learned to get clear on my niche and become more visible. And I have a number of major events coming up including presenting at Capitol Hill! What brought all of this together was taking action and not aiming for perfection. If it hadn't been for Robert, such simple yet profound notions would have eluded me for a long time."

          Rana Ghaoui, Health Coach

          Success From Within
          "I Have Two Doctors Sending Me Clients Consistently."

          "I felt overwhelmed trying to target areas to grow my business as a Health Counselor. Then I remembered the support, light and direction I received from Robert when I was fresh out of school. I contacted him and he came through for me with a light stronger than ever. Now, I am attracting clients, have more confidence and direction and don't even think about the economy. Robert is a gem, a Business Coach with heart.

          Working with Robert has given me a financial safety net and a belief in myself. Every time I have a concern or need a boost he is there. He helped me calm down and feel that anything is possible. And he listens and really cares. I am able to listen to my intuition more and take chances I never took before. Presently, I am having success and great fun presenting at corporate health fairs. I now have two doctors sending me clients consistently. Before my business coaching with Robert I never would have had the confidence to reach out to these areas."

          Ellen Ziegler, CHHC, Certified Coach

          Success From Within
          "My Confidence Has Grown, and I Can Take On Anything."

          "Before working with Robert I was interested in building my practice, but felt very unclear about how to move my business ahead, and didn't feel confident. I was not focused, and didn't really know what to do first. I knew I wanted to make more money, but needed direction.

          Robert's classes and coaching helped me understand how to implement my ideas, to define my company's purpose, and then take action. And, he didn't let me settle for less than he knew I could be! The amazing results are that I have many wonderful clients and I feel great about how I am building my business each week. I have time for my family, and earn much more income with time left over. My confidence in myself as a business woman and a busy mother of 3 has grown - I can take on anything!"

          Suzanne Girard Foote, Yoga Instructor
          New Mother Yoga and Wellness